Effective Review Response
Take charge of your online reputation by skillfully responding to both good and bad reviews. It’s time consuming, but worth every minute. To speed up the process, we’ve created review response templates to get you started!
“The Ultimate Guide to Online Reviews”

How to respond to good review (4 steps)

Thank the customer & be specific
Ensure the reviewer knows a real person is behind the reply by thanking them for something specific they said, even repeating it back. “Thanks for leaving a review and mentioning our barista Jodi. You’re right, she is always smiling!”
Use the business name & keywords
Connecting the business name to the review will help it appear in search results. “The team here at [Business Name] is thrilled to hear such good feedback, and we’re proud to be one of the coziest [coffee shops] in [city name].”
Add a little marketing
Your reply is public and will be read by others, including future customers. While you have the exposure and the audience, throw in some marketing! Mention a behind-the-scenes reason they had a great experience, or a new feature or promotion. “Did you know we just started a free coffee card?”
Invite the customer to do something
Ask the customer to return, use another service or spread the word. “Next time you’re here, you should try the [insert product here]!” “We hope to see you again soon – and bring a friend!”
Respond to Good Reviews

Hey (Customer Name),
Thank you for the review, (Business Name)
appreciates when our customers take time to
leave a note about us! We are glad you experienced
our world-class [insert something the
business is best known for], and hope to see
you again with your friends!
(Customer Name),
We’re thrilled you enjoyed [something specific
they mentioned], we like making our
customers happy at [business name]! Next
time you’re here, you should try the [insert
a feature or special]. Thanks for leaving the
positive review, I hope to see you again soon.
Regards, (Business Name / Manager Name /
Owner Name).
Hello (Customer Name),
Everyone at (Business Name) loves to hear
from customers like you! Thanks for spending
your afternoon with us. Next time you’re
here, ask for [Manager’s name] – I’d like to say
thanks in person
– (Business Name / Manager Name / Owner Name)
(Customer Name),
We take pride in giving outstanding service
to every customers here at (Business Name).
We are happy to hear that your visit was no
exception, thanks for leaving the wonderful
review! Did you know we offer [discount or
promo for next visit]? Look forward to seeing
you next time!
Hi (Customer Name),
Thanks for taking time to mention [something
they mentioned] and leaving this great feedback.
Did you know [insert interesting background
info on that product or service]? It’s for
people like you that we do what we do! If you
have any friends looking for [insert service],
please send them our way – we’ll take great
care of them.
Cheers, (Business Name / Manager Name /
Owner Name).

Respond to Bad Reviews

Apologize and sympathize
Acknowledge the customer’s concerns. Even if they are unfounded, show sympathy that they had a bad experience. “I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience.”
Insert a little marketing
Explain what your customers usually experience.
“We’re normally known for our exceptional attention to detail, and we regret that we missed the mark.”
Keep it simple, short, kind
Don’t go into too much detail or ask any questions. Three sentences is a good rule of thumb.
Continue the conversation offline
Provide contact info with someone at business so they can discuss problems in person. “My name is [name] and I am the [Owner / Manager]. If you’d like to discuss this further, please contact me at [phone number / email].”
BONUS: Don’t include the business name, or relevant search keywords—you don’t want this review showing up in search results!
Respond to Bad Reviews

[Customer Name],
Thank you for your comments. I’m sorry to
hear about your experience. This is definitely
not a usual occurrence at our business, [state
what usually happens]. Please contact me, I
would like to make things right.
[Name, Job Title, Email Address and/or Phone
[Customer Name],
My sincerest apologies for the experience you
had. I assure you this isn’t a typical situation.
Most of our customers [explain the usual
experience] so I’d like to speak with you
further to help remedy the situation. My name
is [Name], and I’m the [Job Title] – please give
me a call at [Phone Number].
[Customer Name],
We’re really sorry to hear about what happened.
I’d like to make sure mistakes like
these don’t happen again. If you can contact
me directly at [Email, Phone Number] I will
personally make sure this situation is made
Regards, [Name, Job Title, Email Address
and/or Phone Number
[Customer Name],
Thank you for bringing this [issue/incident] to our attention. I sincerely apologize for
[name the main issue voiced] and we understand
your frustration. We try to maintain the
highest standards of service, but it’s clear we
fell short in your case. Please contact me at
your convenience, I’d like to find out how I can
earn back your business.
Regards, [Name, Job Title, Email Address
and/or Phone Number]
[Customer Name],
Sounds like we didn’t provide you with the
same customer service that many have come
to know us for. I’m sincerely sorry. We pride
ourselves on [typical customer experience].
Please contact me, I would like to fix things, if
possible? My name is [name], and I’m the [job
title]. Please give me an email [email address] or call [phone number] when you have a free
moment. Thank you.
These templates are a great starting point to help you respond to reviews on the behalf of local businesses. When you have too many to manage, Niche Digital Media can help you scale. They do the work under your brand, so you can continue to build trust with your local clients without the hassle. Our Digital Agency manages the online presence of many local businesses. Let our team help you scale fulfillment of marketing services, including:
- Review management
- Review management
- Social media posting
- Business listing claiming and maintenance
- And more!